We perform routine surgeries such as spays and neuters daily, but are well equipped to perform orthopedic and emergency surgeries as well. Surgery patients are admitted between 8:00am-8:30am and routine surgeries can usually go home that same day. Orthopedic and other complicated procedures may need to be hospitalized.
As with any procedure that requires anaesthesia, there is a risk of complications. We can minimize that risk by providing a tailored surgical protocol for each individual pet. Learn More

Pre-op Exam: This exam will tell us if we need to adjust our surgical protocol for that individual patient.

Pre- Anesthetic Blood Work: This is a basic blood test that allows us to screen for any underlying disease or conditions that we cannot see on a physical exam.

Intervenous Fluids: This will help to maintain blood pressure and replace fluid that may be lost throughout the procedure. This results in a faster recovery and your pet feels better when they wake up.